Transportation engineering and planning /
Essential histology /
Real analysis : an introduction to the theory of real functions and integration /
Introduction to information systems /
Object-oriented software engineering : Practical software development using UML and Java /
Handbook of mathematical techniques for wave/structure interactions /
MRCP part 2 : data interpretation questions and answers /
The Herbst appliance : research-based clinical management /
Nano Science : the Invisible Revolution \
The theory of finite groups : an introduction /
Differential equations & linear algebra /
Ainsworth & Bisby's dictionary of the fungi /
Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems : an introduction to dissipative parabolic PDEs and the theory of global attractors /
A practical introduction to phonetics /
Analytical chemistry /
Mass spectral and GC data of drugs, poisons, pesticides, pollutants, and their metabolites /
Technology guide : principles - applications - trends /
Ole Lukøie /
ذو الرمة : شاعر الطبيعة والحب /
كثير عزة : عصره، حياته، شعره /
أبو تمام : عصره، حياته، شعره /
أبو الفرج الأصفهاني : عصره، سيرة حياته، مؤلفاته /
الشريف الرضي : حياته وشعره /
شرح الألفاظ اللغوية من المقامات الحريرية /
ابن خفاجة : شاعر شرق الأندلس 450-533 هـ /
قمبيز /
ماجدولين، أو، تحت ظلال الزيزفون /
Tuning metaheuristics : a machine learning perspective /
Real-Time Design Patterns : robust scalable architecture for Real-time systems /
Absolute Java / Walter Savitch .
The Python standard library by example /
الأمن المعلوماتي /
Beginning Oracle Database 11g administration : from novice to professional /
Statistics : informed decisions using data /
Bayesian networks and decision graphs /
Numerical mathematics and computing /
يوهانز كبلر وعلم الفلك الجديد /