Computer systems design and architecture /
The humanities in architectural design : a contemporary and historical perspective /
Sun, wind, and light: architectural design strategies /
Systems architecture /
The environments of architecture : environmental design in context /
Architectural drafting for interior designers /
Computer system architecture /
The green studio handbook : environmental strategies for schematic design /
PCI system architecture /
The structural basis of architecture /
Systems analysis and design /
Software architecture and design illuminated /
Design of enterprise systems : theory, architecture, and methods /1
Modern systems analysis and design /
Solar Power: energy of the future/
Designing tall buildings : structure as architecture /
Computer systems organization & architecture /
Analysis and Design for Systems /
Site planning and design handbook /
Architectural integration and design of solar thermal systems /
The Art of Structures : Introduction to the Functioning of Structures in Architecture /
Introducing and implementing Autodesk Revit /
Time-saver standards for urban design /