Oxford handbook of general practice /
John Murtagh's general practice companion handbook / John Murtagh.
General practice psychiatry /
Davidson's principles & practice of medicine /
General medicine /
Textbook of family medicine /
Legal aspects of general dental practice /
The color atlas of family medicine /
Family medicine /
Implantology in general dental practice /
Practical oral medicine /
Fitzpatrick's dermatology in general medicine.
Davidson's principles and practice of medicine.
Davidson's principles and practice of medicine /
family medicine board review /
University of Iowa the family medicine handbook /
Bratton's family medicine board review /
First aid for the family medicine boards /
Risk management in general dental practice /
Radiation medicine update for the practicing oncologist /
Family medicine obstetrics /
Case files.
Deja review.
General practice medicine : an illustrated colour text /
Current diagnosis & treatment in family medicine /
Nursing Profile /
Primary care medicine : office evaluation and management of the adult patient /