Oxford handbook of clinical surgery /
Oxford handbook of clinical Tutor Study Cards surgery /
Key topics in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery /
Current Diagnosis & Treatment surgery /
Surgery /
Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery /
Clinical drug data /
The Johns Hopkins manual of cardiothoracic surgery /
Core clinical cases in medicine and surgery : a problem-solving approach /
Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery /
Oxford handbook of clinical specialties /
Oxford specialist handbook of applied medicine and surgery in dentistry /
Handbook of perioperative care in general thoracic surgery /
Michigan manual of plastic surgery /
Critical care surgery /
MCQs and EMQs in surgery /
Current clinical medicine : online + print /
Clinical clerkships : the answer book /
Handbook of clinical audiology /
Hemodynamic monitoring in the diagnosis and management of heart failure /
Essential otolaryngology : head & neck surgery /
Fractures of the mandibular condyle : basic considerations and treatment /
Fetal and neonatal neurology and neurosurgery /
Foot and ankle clinics : Orthobiologics /
Head and neck reconstruction /
Key topics in surgical research and methodology /
Maxillofacial trauma & esthetic facial reconstruction /
Maxillofacial Surgery /
Blepharoplasty /
Facial rejuvenation with fillers /
The Washington Manual of Surgery /
Current surgical therapy /
Clinical maxillofacial prosthetics /
Clinical success in management of advanced periodontitis /
Clinical success in impacted third molar extraction / .
Glaucoma /
Color atlas of cosmetic oculofacial surgery /
Introduction to academic writing /
Handbook of electromagnetic materials : monolithic and composite versions and their applications /
Handbook of applied cryptography /
McGraw-Hill Nurse's drug handbook /
Building research tools with Google for dummies /
Handbook of interventional radiologic procedures /
Code complete : a practical handbook of software construction /
Practicing college learning strategies /
Handbook of pediatrics /
Critical care skills : a clinical handbook /
Current rheumatology diagnosis & treatment /
The Washington manual of pediatrics /
The Washington manual of medical therapeutics /
Handbook of MRI technique /
Handbook of polymer synthesis /
Handbook of nurse anesthesia /
Med notes : nurse's pocket pharmacology guide
Mosby's Nursing Drug Cards.
Fundamental and advanced nursing skills /
Orell & Sterrett's fine needle aspiration cytology /
Hunt and Marshall's clinical problems in surgery /